
I am an evolutionary biologist interested in obligate arthropod symbionts. While my BSc specialized in biochemistry, as a graduate student, I am learning to approach biological questions from an ecological and evolutionary perspective, by utilizing many molecular biology methods acquired through my BSc, as well as expanding my skillsets in field work and computer programming to analyze hundreds of sequencing data on HPC.


PhD in Ecology and Evolution

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Integrative Community Ecology Unit, Okinawa, Japan

Field: Ecology and evolution
Proposal title: “Historical biogeography and landscape genetics of obligate arthropod symbionts”
Advisor: Prof. David Armitage

BSc in Biochemistry

University of Guelph
Department of Molecular and Cellular biology, College of Biological Science, Guelph ON, Canada

Thesis title: “Efficacy of plant tinctures against Paenibacillus larvae, a causative agent of American foulbrood in Apis mellifera
Advisor: Prof. Allan Rod Merrill
Note: BSc with distinction (cumulative average > 80%) & Coop. Coop program entails 16 months of full-time employment related to field of study.


Doctoral Research Student/ JSPS DC1 Fellow

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Integrative Community Ecology Unit, Okinawa, Japan

Research Group: Prof. David Armitage

  • Collected 500+ Darlingtonia californica plant samples, Metriocnemus edwardsi larvae and Sarraceniopus darlingtoniae mites from 50+ sites, extracted DNA from all samples, and sequenced ~200 plant samples (ddRADSeq) and all arthropod samples (COI amplicon).
  • Analyzing sequencing data for population genetics and landscape ecology.
  • Was invited for a poster presentation at the Tohoku University - OIST 3rd joint workshop on biodiveristy 2022.

Visiting Researcher

Dec 2019-Apr 2019
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Ecology and Evolution Unit, Okinawa, Japan

Research Group: Prof. Alexander (Sasha) Mikheyev

  • Created an RNA library of 200+ global Varroa mite collection to unravel honeybee viruses’ history as a biogeographical map, and found that contrary to previous reports, Deformed wing virus A originates in Asia, not Europe (see Hasegawa et al. 2023, below).
  • Developed a novel method for Varroa mite storage conditions for field working and beekeeping collaborators (see Hasegawa et al. 2021, below).
  • Developed a novel method for single Varroa mite DNA & RNA extraction for next generation sequencing (see Hasegawa et al. 2021, below).

Laboratory Research Intern Student

Apr 2019-Aug 2019
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Protein Engineering Unit, Okinawa, Japan

Research Group: Prof. Paola Laurino

  • Investigated substrate promiscuities in human methionine S-adenosyl synthase using directed evolution.
  • Optimized protocols involved in studying hMAT2A syntehsis and extraction, as well as SAM analog feeding assays.

Undergraduate Thesis Student/ Laboratory Assistant

2018, 2019
University of Guelph
Department of Molecular and Cellular biology, College of Biological Science, Guelph ON, Canada

Research Group: Prof. Allan Rod Merrill

  • Hired full time for 8 months under the Natural Sciences and Enginrring Research Council of Canada grant shared between Prof. Merrill and Prof. Ernesto Guzman-Novoa (School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph), partly working towards BSc thesis titled “Efficacy of plant tinctures against Paenibacillus larvae, a causative agent of American foulbrood in Apis mellifera”.
  • Extended 4 months as a thesis student (unpaid), designed and conducted in vitro rearing of honey bee larvae to test for antimicrobial effects of natural plant tinctures against P. larvae. Screened >50 tinctures and found several plant derived tinctures that mitigate P. larvae growth on agarose media with low minimum inhibitory concentrations.
  • Successfully met criteria, submitted thesis, and defended an oral exam for BSc thesis.
  • Supervised summer research student and aided in lab managaement & bee rearing as a part time lab assistant for the final 4 months of the total of 16 month period with this research group.

Laboratory Research Intern Student

2017 (Jan-Apr & Aug-Dec)
University of British Columbia
Michael Smith Laboratories, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Vancouver BC, Canada

Research Group: Prof. Leonard Foster

  • Led a side project alongside a postdoctoral-fellow on mhoney bee sample preservation methods for downstream proteomics analysis.
  • Processed over 1200 samples (dissection, protein extraction, quantification, digestion, and methyl labelling).
  • Supervised and instructured summer intern students to work on above project.
  • Demonstrated applications of high throughput technology (mass spectrometry) at the BC tech summit 2017.

Fellowships and Awards

Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, DC1 FY2023-2025 (3-year appointment)

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • Monthly stipend of JPY 200,000 (~1300USD as of Mar 2024).
  • Annual research funding of JPY 970,000 (~6600USD as of Mar 2024).

Outstanding Student Award, FY2023-2025

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
  • Tuition waived in recognition of JSPS fellowship (JPY 540,000 annual ~3700USD as of Mar 2024).

Invited Poster Presenter

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
  • Awarded travel grant, JPY 50,000 (~340USD as of Mar 2024) for invited poster presentation at the Tohoku University-OIST 3rd Joint Workshop on Biodiversity 2022.


Publications are available below via links, on Google Scholar, or you can contact me for a copy.

Outreach Activities

2024-09 | SPNHC-TDWG 2024 Excursion: OnnaVillage [Creation of a coral village] Tour~Traveling to Advanced Nature Positive Areas~ invited speaker
2024-07 | Onna X OIST Children’s School of Science 2024 volunteer
2024-07 | Koyo Highschool (Okinawa, JP) career seminar invited speaker
2024-07 | Kaiho Highschool (Okinawa, JP) career seminar invited speaker
2024-03 | Girl Scouts Beekeeping & Onna village honey coral joint meeting facilitator
2024-02 | Oita Prefectural Association for the Promotion of Nectar and Pollen Source Plants seminar on the evolutionary origins of Deformed wing virus invited speaker 大分県蜜源花粉源植物振興協会講演会
2024-02 | OIST Science Challenge 2024 Poster and Writing workshop panelist
2024-02 | OIST Science Challenge 2024 Internship and PhD Information Session panelist
2024-02 | OIST Science Challenge 2024 Final 3minute presentation judge
2023-10 | OIST PhD Proposal exam information session panelist
2023-10 | Odawara High School (Kanagawa, JP) career seminar invited speaker
2023-05 | American School in Japan (Tokyo, JP) career seminar invited speaker
2023-05 | Yamawaki Gakuen High School (Tokyo, JP) poster presentation judge
2023-01 | Kyuyo High School (Okinawa, JP) poster presentation judge
2022-12 | Yonago Higashi High School (Tottori, JP) presentation judge & career seminar invited speaker
2022-07 | The University of the Ryukyus (Okinawa, JP) career seminar (course code 105311001, 90min session) invited speaker
2022-01 | Apis cerana Society seminar on current bee research invited speaker トウヨウミツバチ協会勉強会講師
2022-01 | Oita Prefecture Association for the Promotion of Nectar and Pollen Source Plants seminar on current bee research invited speaker 大分県蜜源花粉源植物振興協会 講演会
202112 | COOP & Onna Village Red Soil Runoff Prevention Measures seminar on significance of honey bees in red soil runoff prevention invited speaker コープ・恩納村赤土等流出防止対策地域協議会 講演
2021-11 | Japan Beekeeping Society seminar on current bee research invited speaker 日本養蜂協会 講師
2021-11 | Seisen International School (Tokyo, JP) career seminar invited speaker
2021-11 | Kyuyo High School (Okinawa, JP) career seminar invited speaker
2021-10 | OIST Net Café Information Session panelist
2021-03 | Fletchers Meadow Secondary School (ON, Canada) career seminar invited speaker